Bond & Moving Loans

Moving – Need some Cash?

Are you moving house or flat and need some extra cash to make the move easier?

When you’re moving houses there’s a number of different expenses that have to be accounted for. So finding the money for the bond is always a big ask. Your old bond typically can’t be transferred straight away, so you need the money to get you through until it is released.

All up, moving house can be quite an expensive exercise, so that’s where our Bond & Moving Loans come in, and they are easy to apply for online.

Use the money to pay for:

  • Moving truck or van
  • Bond
  • Rent in advance
  • New appliances
  • Rugs, door stoppers, heaters and the like
  • etc

Apply Today

Moving House Loans Checklist

Use our moving house checklist to prepare for your upcoming move and assist with a hassle-free moving experience.

Have You Discontinued or Redirected These Services?

  • Newspaper delivery
  • Telephone/Internet lines
  • Sky/Pay TV
  • Gas and electricity
  • Water (rural supply)

Notify Your Change of Address

  • Post office for redirection of mail
  • Your bank (to transfer your account)
  • The electoral registrar
  • Hire purchase company
  • Your insurance company to transfer your household insurance/motor vehicles
  • Your life insurance company
  • Your health insurance company
  • To obtain your children’s school records
  • Local council for rates
  • Stores – where you have charge accounts
  • Relatives, friends and regular correspondents
  • Club Memberships
  • Publications to which you subscribe
  • Has your doctor or dentist recommended someone in the location to which you are moving
  • Your solicitors/accountants
  • Your church
  • Credit card companies
  • Airline frequent flyer programmes
  • Cleaners and gardeners

In Preparation for Move Day

  • Ensure your move is confirmed with the moving company as soon as your dates are known
  • Complete any transit insurance proposal and return it to the mover or insurance broker
  • Spring clean – discard the things you no longer want, clean out expired medicines
  • Dispose of flammables or leave for new owners (i.e. paints, turps, kerosene, petrol)
  • Arrange childcare for day(s) of moving (if applicable)
  • Dismantle fragile kit-set furniture
  • Have BBQ/heater gas bottles professionally purged
  • Arrange for a specialist to disconnect plasma TVs

Keep Important Documents Together & With You

  • Travel Documents, i.e. airline tickets
  • Passport and visa/frequent flyer cards
  • Vaccination records for pets
  • Medical and travel insurance
  • Driver’s licence
  • Paperwork relating to your household goods removal
  • Extra set of keys for the car
  • Jewellery
  • Sunglasses
  • Plan to be available on move day or have an authorised person available

Do You Need To …

  • Have your car serviced?
  • Collect dry cleaning?
  • Return school or library books?
  • Empty golf club lockers?

The Day Before

  • Defrost freezers
  • Empty rubbish bins
  • Drain most fuel from mowers/petrol weed-eaters
  • Thoroughly clean garden tools, mowers, golf clubs, outdoor furniture and bikes for quarantine inspections if moving overseas
  • Empty vacuum cleaners (export shipments only)
  • Identify items not to be packed and place in one area
  • Ensure washing machine taps are turned off
  • Identify the items for your “Priority Cartons” – those items you want first on delivery/or the items for temporary use if going via storage
  • Arrange a simple breakfast for move day and empty the dishwasher!
  • Water plants being moved (for nationwide moves only)

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